Web Feeds

ICE Data Services -

web feeds - rss data

the web feeds window allows rss data sources to appear into the application. 

to add a new feed, select the new feeds button  or right click on the feeds category button, choose new and select feed.

a new window will appear:

the name can be any description which identifies the feed to the user. the feed address is the url for the rss feed (ie. http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss091.xml). the history setting determines how many days back items will be retained for that feed. refresh determines how often the application will query the feed source for new items.

editing a feed

highlight the feed you would like to change, right-click and select edit

make the desired changes and hit ok or cancel as appropriate.

delete a feed:

right-click on the feed you would like to remove and select delete

adding a category:

to add a category, left-click on the category button  or right-click on the feeds button. choose new and select category.

display properties:

you can modify the color and properties of the web feeds window by right-clicking and selecting display properties.