ICE Data Services -


NASDAQ Direct is the NASDAQ version of Market-Q.  All support for NASDAQ Direct is being managed by Interactive Data, the provider of Market-Q. NASDAQ Direct is a Java Based product that provides a host of features.  Before you begin, click here to ensure that your PC meets the minimum system requirements.

Product Training Videos
Click here to access our Product Training Videos

Contact Us
Contact Mark Princiotto on 1.973.452.6448 or email him at

You can also find answers to your questions by searching our Market-Q KnowledgBase.

Troubleshooting Tips

Java Virtual Machine
Market-Q uses Java Applets to give you the best Quote and Charting experience. You will need to download and install the latest Sun Java® Virtual Machine. If you currently have a Sun Java® Virtual Machine installed and need to update, please visit the Sun Java® website to download the latest version.

Pop Up Blockers
Pop Up Blockers should be turned off before running Market-Q. In MSIE, select Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn off blocker, many times it allows “trusted sites”. Also, you should do the same if you have the Google toolbar. Clicking on the “nn blocked” will toggle to “Popups okay”.

Disable any client firewall like ISA and try again

Internet Ports
Market-Q uses Port 2812 or Port 80 (Port 2812 is strongly recommended). To change the port, after launching Market-Q, select Utilities, Preference and click on Connection.


For troubleshooting purposes, it may be helpful to include the results of your Java Console in your email. To capture this information, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Browser that remains open and running in the background after Market-Q is started or just to the main browser when you are starting Market-Q. There should be a selection under the tools or preferences menu.
  2. In MSIE 6.x, it is Tools > Sun Java Console. That will open another small browser window with debug information. There is a Copy button there to copy the console contents. You can paste it into an email or better yet into notepad and then attach that file to the email.
  3. Alternatively, there may be a “Java” icon running in the system tray (by the clock), which you can right-click and open for same effect.